Why use a personal trainer?

Are you wondering why you should train with a personal trainer? We give you 6 tips on why you should use a personal trainer.

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Øyvind Bringedal

Publisert: 07-21-2022

Table of contents

  1. 1. A customised workout program
  2. 2. Ensure adjustments during training
  3. 3. Stay motivated!
  4. 4. Training is set in system
  5. 5. Get help with nutrition and diet
  6. 6. Prioritise your health!

A customised workout program

Most people who have trained on their own know how difficult it can be to stick to a structured workout program. And perhaps even more importantly, how difficult it is to design a workout program that both gives you the desired results and at the same time prevents injuries. It is easy to think that you can Google your way to a workout program, and use common sense to determine whether this workout program is right for you. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple. For one thing, there is a lot of variation when it comes to how effective workout programs are in achieving a specific goal, and workout programs often need to be tailored on an individual basis. A personal trainer can help you design a workout program that is both tailored to your specific goals, and also takes into account your specific situation. If you are 20 years old and dream of big muscles, you should train in a different way than if you are 70 years old and dream of functional strength to perform everyday life. Here is where a personal trainer can come to the rescue. He/she will for example be able to help you identify your specific situation, dig out individual strengths and weaknesses, and see how you can train in a way that prevents injuries. These (and other) elements will then be taken into account when designing a detailed and structured workout program tailored to you. It goes without saying that this is not easy to do on your own. A personal trainer with specialized knowledge, dedicated time, and an outside perspective will be able to help you well on your way to the results you want.

Ensure adjustments during training

A common mistake that is often repeated, especially among amateur athletes, is to strictly follow a training program. For example, if the training program states that you should train bench press 3 days a week for 6 weeks, then you do it. The problem with this approach is that you risk training incorrectly, both in terms of results and injuries. There are large differences among us humans; some have imbalances in joints, weaknesses in supporting muscles, or a body that can tolerate less training than normal. A crucial point when training is to be able to identify these and other conditions, preferably in advance of training, but at least during the training program one follows. In this way, a personal trainer can play a decisive role. A personal trainer will monitor your training from session to session, which means that they will be able to provide crucial feedback along the way: suggestions for technique adjustments, ideas for changing exercises, suggestions for exercises that can build up necessary supporting muscles, suggestions regarding training volume, etc. Few people will have enough knowledge and experience to be able to take on this task on their own.

Stay motivated!

Everyone who has trained for a longer period knows that motivation comes in waves. Some days you are full of energy, determination, and a desire to train and practically dance through a workout. Other days it's a struggle to get off the couch. This applies to both amateur athletes and professional athletes. A personal trainer can really make a difference here, and help you to push that extra little bit. Just the fact that you have someone you answer to, someone who expects you to show up for the workout, can contribute to increased motivation in itself (and if nothing else, that you actually get to the training). The feeling that someone else is following you, is interested in you succeeding and gives uplifting words, is extremely important for motivation. We humans are social animals and are extremely influenced by those around us. If you have tried to complete a workout on your own, versus in the company of others, you know what we're talking about. You're more likely to drop that last repetition of squats or that last sprint up a hill if no one is there to watch.

Training is set in system

A particularly important element when working with a personal trainer, is that they help you set your training in a system. You have clear guidelines for what you should do, intermediate goals and final goals, and usually the PT will also help you log your progress. These things not only help to achieve better results, they also act as motivation in themselves. It is clear that you can also systematize your training on your own, but it is both difficult and time-consuming. Believe us, we've tried!

Get help with nutrition and diet

Many probably think that a personal trainer is primarily there to ensure correct training. But anyone with good insight into training knows that nutrition and diet are a crucial piece in achieving good training results. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or firm up your legs and thighs, your diet will be very important. Some argue that it is just as important as the training itself. A personal trainer helps you choose the right diet based on your conditions and goals. It could be adjustments to the amount of carbohydrates or proteins in your diet, suggestions for how to set up a meal plan, or recipes for nutritious and tasty meals. A personal trainer can help you with both understanding and follow-up regarding nutrition and diet, which can be boring and difficult to do on your own.

Prioritise your health!

Research shows that exercise is good for your health. Unfortunately, many people downplay or struggle to motivate themselves to exercise. In our opinion, anything that helps one to exercise is a good investment. If you can spend a few thousand dollars on a personal trainer and thus avoid lifestyle diseases, it is, in our opinion, a very smart choice. A personal trainer can help you make exercise more fun, ensure that you get to the gym, and help you prevent injuries that could otherwise stop your training. Many gyms offer free trial sessions with a personal trainer, why not try?

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